Television 'welcome diversion' for kids before surgery at The Wesley Hospital

WaitingroomTV-350 webYoung patients and their families at The Wesley Hospital are benefitting from a new television and fold-away beds, kindly donated by Jindalee Rotary Club.

Paediatrics Clinical Nurse Manager Sonia Broadby said the big screen television, located in the Children's Day of Surgery waiting room,  is providing a welcome diversion for children and adolescents who may be feeling nervous or unsettled by being in hospital.

 “Understandably the day of surgery can induce feelings of anxiety, and diversionary techniques are important to gain the child’s confidence and distract them from what lies ahead, “ she said.

 “We had received many requests from parents for a television for the waiting room - and the kids love it - especially the size of it."

Assistant Director of Nursing Ms Diane Fisher said as a not-for-profit hospital the Wesley was very grateful for donations such as these which help provide the extras that make the stay of the hospital's youngest patients and their families less stressful.

“We also thank Rotary for the donation towards more fold-away beds so parents can stay in the room with their child while they are in hospital,” she said.

Rotary Club president Nick Netto presented the hospital with the $1700 cheque at the Gertrude McLeod Golf Club at Middle Park last year.

Director of Fundraising Nesli Eris said the donation was an unexpected and kind gesture. “We are looking forward to Rotary’s continuing involvement with our hospital, particularly Wesley Maternity and  Wesley Children’s, “ she said.

 “The Wesley is very fortunate to have Jindalee Rotary as one of our supporters and we look forward to building the relationship in the future.”

 The Wesley has a 16-bed children’s and adolescent unit, currently the largest Paediatric facility on Brisbane’s northside.

 Most specialities are covered, including respiratory, gastroenterology, neurology, oncology and orthopaedics.  

 Caption: (L-R) Wesley Maternity Clinical Nurse Manager Nicola McGlynn; Clinical Nurse Manager-Paediatrics Sonia Broadby, Jindalee Rotary President Nick Netto and Rotary-350webAssistant Director of Nursing Di Fisher.


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