Executive Team

Peter Wood

General Manager – Peter Wood

Peter Wood is a highly experienced healthcare leader with 30 years’ clinical and leadership experience gained in Australia and internationally. For more than 20 years, Peter has held senior leadership positions in healthcare, including most recently within the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service, where he was Executive Director Fraser Coast.

His previous appointments have included Executive Director BMI Healthcare and General Manager roles with portfolios including medicine, surgery, cardiology, emergency services and critical care. Peter holds a Bachelor of Science with honours in Health Management, a postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Management, and a Master of Healthcare Leadership and Management at the universities of Lancaster and Auckland. He is also a registered general nurse.

Peter has special interests in matching healthcare with population demand, exploring First Nations healthcare needs, and complementing private and public healthcare services. He looks forward to intertwining the development of local healthcare services with his PHD study in developing cardiology services to match population need.

Peter commenced as General Manager of St Stephen’s Hospital in April 2023.

Kathleen Thorpe

Director of Clinical Services – Kathleen Thorpe

Kathleen Thorpe is a dedicated and highly skilled healthcare professional and experienced nursing leader. With a career spanning more than 35 years, Kathleen joins St Stephen’s Hospital with over 14 years’ executive level experience within the New South Wales public health sector, including most recently as Director of Nursing and Midwifery at a tertiary facility.

Kathleen’s career began as a student nurse in the disability sector. As a registered nurse, Kathleen has had broad experience working in hospitals and health services across New South Wales, including both local and tertiary healthcare facilities. She gained post graduate qualifications in Cardiology and holds a Masters of Health Management.

Kathleen is passionate about delivering high clinical standards together with compassionate care for patients. She is also a true believer that nurses can be the patient’s strongest advocate.

Kathleen commenced as Director of Clinical Services in January 2023.

Rev. Keren Seto

Pastoral Care Manager – Rev. Keren Seto

After study and work within the areas of education, dental therapy and the sports and fitness industry, Keren responded to God’s call to prepare for full-time ministry in 1997. Over the ensuing years she has been privileged to serve in senior leadership roles within local, regional and state contexts. Keren obtained her Bachelor of Theology Honours through the Australian College of Theology.

Since joining the Uniting Church, she has completed further studies in Leadership, Pastoral and Spiritual Care, Supervision as Ministry, Fresh Expressions of Church, Mission Coaching and Mentoring. Keren has served on a variety of Presbytery and Synod committees, commissions and councils and engaged nationally around mission and ministry.

Her previous placements have included congregations, chaplaincy, Presbytery and Synod. Keren enjoys swimming, being in nature and reading.

Keren commenced as Pastoral Care Manager in July 2022.

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