Doctor Details
Dr Alessandro Fois BSc(Adv; Hons I, Medal) BM BCh(Oxon) | MRCP FRACP
Located on St Stephen's Hospital Campus
Dr Alessandro (Alex) Fois received his medical degree from Oxford University and has completed his postgraduate training in Cambridge (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) and Sydney (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital and Westmead Hospital). He has completed the Movement Disorders Fellowship at Westmead Hospital and is continuing his association with Westmead as a PhD Research Fellow funded by a grant from the Brain Foundation and an NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship.
His research is focused on tremor, and he has authored several publications and book chapters on the subject of tremor and movement disorders. Dr Fois is a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney and also sees patients in his rooms at Neurology Castle Hill in Sydney.
Dr Fois is passionate about extending the reach of neurological care in Australia and using the power of telemedicine. His clinical interests include movement disorders (such as Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and dystonia), headache, the use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of neurological problems, and general neurology.
Dr Fois will visit St Stephen’s Hospital, Hervey Bay monthly for clinical consultations and also offers telemedicine for follow-up consultations.