Doctor Details

Dr Dana Moisuc  MD(Buc) FCOG(SA) FRANZCOG

Dr Dana Moisuc MD(Buc) FCOG(SA) FRANZCOG


The Lyrebird Specialist Centre,
Suite 1/3 Lyrebird St,
Buderim QLD 455

Frequency Monthly

Located on St Stephen's Hospital Campus

Dr Dana Moisuc is an obstetrician and gynaecologist with a special interest in infertility and reproductive medicine, endocrinology as well as menopause and pelvic floor rehabilitation.

She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Fellow of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa, with a medical degree of the Medical School, University of Bucharest, Romania.

Based on the Sunshine Coast, Dr Moisuc has more than 20 years’ experience and provides obstetric and gynaecological care for her patients at the Sunshine Coast Private Hospital at Buderim, and monthly at St Stephen’s Hospital in Hervey Bay.

Her services in rooms include consultations (general gynaecology, sexual dysfunction, menopause and PCOS) and gynaecological procedures such as colposcopy, LLETZ, small vulval/vaginal tumour removal, hormone implants and Mirena IUD insertions.

Dr Moisuc performs minor and major surgery, including open and laparoscopic procedures for uterine and ovarian pathology, endometriosis, as well as pelvic floor reconstruction procedures and surgery for incontinence.

She also offers infertility and recurrent miscarriage assessment with management and IVF procedures.

Dr Moisuc is thrilled to be serving the Wide Bay region and collaborating with local general medical practitioners and established specialists.

She consults regularly at her Buderim rooms, however she also consults, admits inpatients as well as performs surgeries at St Stephen's Hospital on a monthly basis.

Referrals to Dr Moisuc can be forwarded to her Sunshine Coast private rooms in Buderim, contact details are phone 07 5478 3533, or email

Provider number – 255437QY

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