Helena Goldie Project 2016 Trip blog

A team from UnitingCare Health is helping to improve healthcare in the Solomon Islands.

airportWith two trips this year, Emily Finlayson, clinical nurse manager at St Stephen’s Hospital, will accompany fellow first-timer Marilyn Woods from St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital to work and teach at the Helena Goldie Hospital and College.

Emily and Marilyn will be joined by Helena Goldie Project Manager and Director of Mission, Reverend Helen Dick, and Helena Goldie Clinical Coordinator, Wendy Zernike.

The project team’s first trip is from 11 April for two weeks, and will include the graduation ceremony for the latest cohort of nursing students on 16 April, which UnitingCare Health’s Executive Director Terence Seymour will also attend.

Read the blog from the team during their trip.

Emily and MarilynHelen said the team will be teaching research and will conduct training during the first trip.

With no permanent doctors currently at the hospital, the entire Helena Goldie Hospital community is especially appreciative of our contribution to the care of patients and the continuing education of the student nurses,” she said.

Terence said: “The work that we do with the Helena Goldie Hospital and Training College speaks to who are and what we do," Terence said. "It’s a very practical approach to helping a neighbouring country be self-reliant, self–directed and self-sustaining in their healthcare.”

Helen added: “This is the seventh year of our Helena Goldie Partnership and since 2011 UnitingCare Health staff have raised almost $100,000 through payroll deductions and other fundraising initiatives."

I would like to thank everyone from across UnitingCare Health who sponsor students and contribute in so many ways towards extra resources for the Helena Goldie Hospital and College of Nursing".

Please keep the hospital staff, patients and the project team in your thoughts and prayers.

The Wesley Hospital’s Director of Paediatrics, Dr David Coman, will also be making his next visit in April this year. Dr Mark Dalton and Trish Woods from St Andrew’s recently returned from their visit to Helena Goldie which saw them deliver much-needed resources for the eye clinic at the hospital. After learning the clinic was in need of prescription glasses and sunglasses, St Andrew’s staff provided the hospital with the supplies and an eye model was generously donated by Dr Craig Herron.

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