COVID-19 Status

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    Patient and visitor information 

    Updated: 15 December 2023

    If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have had COVID-19 recently, please contact your treating specialist before coming to hospital.


    • Masks are not required. Please wear a mask if asked to do so by our staff.

    If you have any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, such as symptoms of COVID-19, cold and flu, you should avoid entering the hospital until:

    • at least 5 days have passed since you received a positive COVID-19 test result and
    • you no longer have symptoms.

    When visiting St Stephen's Hospital, please:

    • do not visit patients if you are unwell.
    • practise regular hand hygiene using the hand gel provided.
    • cover your cough and sneeze.
    • following any restrictions on visitor numbers and the directions of our staff. 

    COVID-19 Information

    Visiting Hours

    Our visiting hours are from 10am to 6pm. 

    Our dedicated teams are doing their best to keep everyone safe and well. Thank you for your understanding.

    Further questions

    If you have any questions about your individual circumstances please call the St Stephen’s Hospital switchboard on 07 4120 1200 and ask to speak to the manager of the ward where your loved one is a patient.

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