Doctor Details

Dr Miso Kostic

SPECIALTY AREA Gastroenterology
General Surgery
ADDRESS 1/ 14 liuzzi Street
FAX 07 4194 5926
Frequency Resident

Dr Miso Kostic is a Gastroenterologist and has been practising in Hervey Bay since 200 I. Dr Kostic completed Belgrade School of Medicine in 1980. He finished specialisation in Internal Medicine in 1986 at the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade. Advanced training in Gastroenterology was obtained between 1989 and 1990 in Germany. He was working under the leadership of Professor Meinhard Classen and Dr Nib Soehendra. He was head of Endoscopy Department, Military Medical Academy from 1991 to 1994 when he moved to New Zealand. He moved from New Zealand to Launceston in 1998 and spent three years in the Launceston General Hospital as a Gastroenterology Registrar. Fellowship of Royal Australian College of Physicians was obtained in 2003. Dr Kostic held both public and private hospital appointments for four years and currently has continued full time private practice in Hervey Bay. Dr Kostic is a member of Australian Gastroenterological Association, Gastroenterological Society of Queensland, American Gastroenterological Association and European Gastroenterological Association.

Dr Kostic has a special interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, functional gastro disorders and liver disease. He has an interest in upper endoscopy, colonoscopy as well as capsule endoscopy.

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